
What is Protocol? 
Protocol is a set of rules that computers follow to talk to each other. It means computer share data which must have some rules and all computer must have to follow these rules.

There are so many protocols created for running the network smoothly. The certain protocols make a package called Protocol Suit. There are many types of protocol suits.

1. TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet protocol):
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed their research network called ARPAnet was designed to use a number of protocols. This protocol bundle was called TCP (Transmission Control Program) used in their existing technologies and written in 1973 published in RFC 675, December 1974. Testing and development of TCP continued for several years. In March 1977, version 2 of TCP was documented. Jon Postel (one of the most important pioneers of the internet and TCP/IP) splitting of TCP at the transport layer and IP at the network layer; thus the name TCP/IP given and version 3 begun and written in1978. January 1, 1983 TCP/IP officially declared as new standard protocol for ARPAnet instead of NCP protocol. TCP/IP is the most popular protocol suits. Because it can supports any kind of operating systems.

2. IPX / SPX (Internetwork Packet eXchange / Sequenced Packet eXchange):
For the Novell NetWare operating systems

3. AppleTalk:
For Apple Macintosh computer  

We will use TCP/IP protocol suite in our network. There are many protocols in TCP/IP protocol suite. To install protocols we must install NIC. Protocols are working step by step.

So question is, which protocol works first and which works later among so many protocols? So full network is logically divided into several steps and certain protocols are work for each step.
For example, we found the three steps in what we have done. One step is we sending data, 2nd step handles conversion in NIC, prepares data to send and 3rd step is sending data via media.
Actually steps are called Layer. Different layer works certain different job. Why need these layers? For example, how we eat, by hand or by leg? We know by hand. So a specific portion in our body do this work. Another example, we know the importance of making departments in office. Such as Accounting Dept works only account related works. Admin Dept looks after administration of office. In network, when we send something, PC does the various types of jobs. Each job done by different protocols. So logically it divided some layers that the network will be easy to understand. 
Now we will learn a little about these layers which is called OSI Model in the network field.

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