You Went Back on Your - Clyde McPhatter

You Went Back on Your Own Word

You Went Back on Your Own Word Lyrics

You said you'd be mine and treat me right
You said you'd love me for the rest of my life
But you went back on your word little girl

You said you'd never tell me a lie
But you broke that promise now tell me why
Why you went back on your word little girl

When you were here by my side
I thought you were really satisfied
But honey you played a game on me

I don't know why you changed your mind
But I know you just left me cryin'
When I did everything you've asked of me

Now that you've left me what can I say
Except I love you in the same old way
But you went back on your word little girl

You Went Back on Your Own Word Singers

Clyde McPhatter (Billboard hit 1960) 1960

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