Straight A's in Love - Johnny Cash

Straight A's in Love

Written By: Johnny Cash

Straight A's in Love Lyrics

Well, a reading and a writing and arithmetic never did get through to me
It ain't because I'm square or thick, 'cause I learned my ABC's
But when I graduated from the grammar school and I moved one grade above
I began to be a snook at books, but I made straight A's in love

Now the teacher would say to learn your algebra, but I'd bring home C's and D's
How could I make an A when there's a swinging maid
On the left and on the right and in the back and the front of me
Oh, my grades are low on my card I know, but they oughta give me one above
If they'd give me a mark for learning in the dark, I'd have straight A's in love

Now in my senior year with graduation near, I did my homework every night
And when my mama said I oughta go to bed, I'd turn out all the lights
But my sweetie pie was waiting right outside, she'd be a cooing like a dove
Though I did my best, I failed semester test, but I made straight A's in love

Straight A's in Love Singers

1. Johnny Cash and The Tennessee Two (Billboard hit 1960) (First recording on December 13, 1956) December 31, 1959
Johnny Cash

2. Pete Shelley 1988 3. Black Top Rockets 1998 4. Ruthie and The Wranglers April 17, 2000 5. Sonny Rogers & The Kingpins 2001 6. Eddie Angel September 17, 2002 7. Matanza June 2005 8. Bob Dylan September 17, 2021

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