No Love Have I - Webb Pierce

No Love Have I

Written By: Mel Tillis

No Love Have I Lyrics

Honey bee loves the honey chickadee loves the sky
Everybody loves somebody
But no love have I
No love have I

Standing on the corner lovers pass me by
How my heart is crying
Cause no love have I
No love have I

Every night in my prayers I pray for some lost love to come my way
Then we'll spend our lonely hours
Making love in an ivory tower

Lonely is the city when the moon lights up the sky
But what good is that moonlight
If no love have I
No love have I

No Love Have I Singers

1. Webb Pierce (Billboard hit 1960) November 1959

2. Vince Eager February 1960 3. Gail Davies June 1978 4. Holly Dunn March 1992 5. Jim Stringer & The Austin Music Band 1999 6. Pam Tillis January 8, 2002

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