Mean Eyed Cat - Johnny Cash

Mean Eyed Cat

Written By: Johnny Cash

Mean Eyed Cat Lyrics

I give my woman half my money at the general store
I said, now buy a little groceries, and don't spend no more
But she paid ten dollars for a ten-cent hat
And bought some store-bought cat food for a mean-eyed cat

When I give her ten more dollars for a one-way ticket
She was mad as she could be
Then I bet ten more that if she ever left
She'd come a-crawlin' back to me

When I woke up this mornin' and I turned my head
There wasn't a cotton-pickin' thing on her side of the bed
I found a little note where her head belonged
It said, dear John, honey, baby, I'm long gone

When I heard a whistle blowin', and the big wheels a-turnin'
I was scared as I could be
I put on my overalls and I headed for town
Gonna bring her back with me

I asked the man down at the station if he'd seen her there
I told him all about her pretty eyes and long, blonde hair
He spit his tobacco, said, I'll be dad-blamed
I believe I did see her leavin' on the Eastbound train

I bought a round-trip ticket on the Eastbound train
I was broke as I could be
But when I come back, I gotta buy another ticket
Gotta bring her back with me

Mean Eyed Cat Singers

1. Johnny Cash (Billboard hit 1960) (First recording on July 30, 1955) September 15, 1960
Johnny Cash

2. The Roadkings 1998 3. Ian Calford & The Brakemen 2000 4. Rock-Ola & The Freewheelers September 23, 2002 5. Bill Dewey 2004 6. Union Avenue December 27, 2005 7. The Buckle Busters August 28, 2007 8. Gary West 2015

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